Turn cash to crypto
Receive rewards
Exchange any token
Enhance your wallet with third-party built features
Spend crypto for daily purchases
Integrate with MetaMask
Trusted dapp infrastructure
Manage API keys and endpoints
Create walletless dapps
Extend MetaMask
Never done that before? We show you how.
Browse. Mint. Repeat.
1.54431 ETH
≈ $4273.82 USD
3.00254 ETH
≈ $8309.41 USD
6000.00 USDC
≈ 2.17 ETH
Say hello to your web3 everything
If you’re into that sort of thing
The most secure wallet around
More security audits than any other wallet
Through a series of interactive lessons, MetaMask Learn will show you what Web3 is, why it’s important to you, and how to use MetaMask along the way.