Track your crypto exchange and wallet balances easily with MetaMask Portfolio

The dapp’s newest integration with Mesh allows you to pull balances from Binance and Coinbase exchange for a comprehensive view of your accounts.

2 min read
Track your crypto exchange and wallet balances easily with MetaMask Portfolio
MetaMask Portfolio’s newest update allows you to view your crypto balances across Binance and Coinbase Exchange. Instead of just watching wallet addresses, you can now add your exchange as an account in the dashboard to keep track of everything in one place!
Neither MetaMask nor our partner in this integration—Mesh—will ever have access to your exchange login credentials or share your wallet addresses with third parties.
If you’re like us, you likely have crypto in multiple places—wallets and exchanges alike. It can be irritating to toggle between many platforms to get a simple view of how your assets are doing, but with the newest Mesh integration, you can benefit from:
  • Comprehensive portfolio view
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Proven security and privacy from your OG wallet’s platform of choice
All in one window for a better experience!

What is Mesh?

Mesh is an embedded finance startup enabling digital asset transfers, crypto payments, account aggregation, and trading within a unified platform. The secure API connects with over 300 major brokerages, centralized exchanges, and self-custody wallets.
The partnership is a key step to simplifying account management—eventually facilitating asset transfers from exchanges directly to your MetaMask wallet with a one-click experience using the Mesh API.

How to add Binance or Coinbase exchange accounts to MetaMask Portfolio

Getting started is easy:
  1. Connect to MetaMask Portfolio and navigate to the dashboard
  2. Click the plus icon in the Account bar to add accounts. (Note: You can also add accounts within “Settings” )
  3. Select the type of account you want to add (Select Coinbase Exchange and/or Binance)
  4. Complete MeshConnect authentication modal (Note: You will be directed to the exchange to confirm connection and permissions, then redirected back to MetaMask Portfolio)
  5. Added! Success.
You can rename, remove, and add accounts as desired within the dashboard.

Real-time aggregation in a fragmented marketplace

Crypto, while exciting and unique is also very distributed. A 2023 U.S. survey conducted by Morning Consult for Consensys revealed that 60% of participants use multiple crypto wallets.
And we get it—there are many wallets, exchanges, and dapps to use. While you should try out as many tools as you want, there should also be solutions to manage and aggregate all that activity in one place.
MetaMask Portfolio was created—and continues to evolve—with these needs in mind. With the Mesh integration, monitoring your crypto across wallets and exchanges has never been simpler.
Head over to the dapp, connect your accounts, and enjoy! Follow us to learn more about future updates.

This article is written by:

  • Megan Dias
    Megan Dias

    Megan is the lead content writer at MetaMask. With a passion for web3 education and crypto culture, she demystifies topics for everyone to embrace the new internet. When she isn't slinging words at the fox den, you can find her enchanted with breathwork, mycology, and optimistic stories. Farcaster: [@megandias](

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