Web3 Dubai Snaps Bounty

Bounty total $5.000 (split across winners)

by MetaMaskNovember 13, 2022

Join the MetaMask Snaps Discord

About: Extend the functionality of MetaMask. The most popular wallet is now an extensible platform for permissionless innovation. Bring your features and APIs to MetaMask with Snaps.

A Snap is a program run in an isolated environment that customizes and extends the wallet experience. We are looking for new and interesting use cases to modify MetaMask using Snaps.

Prompt ideas:

  1. Anything Snaps 🤘

Open-ended call for the development of Snaps to customize/extend the MetaMask wallet experience

  1. Transaction insights ⚠️

Develop a Snap using the transaction insights API

Bounty of $5.000 USDT will be split across top Snaps developed

If you can dream it, you can build it with the guide!

Submission requirements

  • Novel - We are looking for new and interesting use cases made possible only via the Snaps platform. Snaps must extend wallet functionality in a meaningful way. Simple use cases where the dapp could have existed without a Snap will not be awarded.
  • Derp - Repos must contain a text file named “fox.txt” with the phrase “What does the fox say?” This attention to detail helps us reward genuine effort and identify quality projects.
  • Monorepo - Use a monorepo structure (scaffold projects with the guide or the CLI to get started). Feel free to construct a more complex front-end React.
  • README - README should detail what the project is, what it aims to accomplish, steps for running locally etc.
  • Run It - Submissions must hosted or runnable locally


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