Introducing MetaMask Pooled Staking

Stake any amount of ETH. Earn rewards. Unstake at any time. Now available in MetaMask Portfolio.

3 min read
Introducing MetaMask Pooled Staking
MetaMask Pooled Staking is the latest staking option in MetaMask Portfolio allowing you to stake any ETH amount to secure Ethereum and earn rewards.
Powered by Consensys Staking, it utilizes the same reliable infrastructure that supports over 1 million staked ETH, optimizing rewards with zero slashing incidents since 2020.
Get started in the Stake tab of MetaMask Portfolio.

What is ETH staking?

Staking is the mechanism that keeps the Ethereum network honest and secure. This involves depositing ETH in a smart contract, machines performing operational duties like attesting block validity, and earning rewards by the Ethereum protocol for performing those duties well.
Unlike dedicated validators that require 32 ETH, pooled staking allows any amount of ETH to be staked.
With MetaMask Pooled Staking, you select any amount of ETH to stake and watch the rewards grow. We handle the technical stuff on the backend.
To learn more about staking and why it matters read this.

How to stake and unstake with MetaMask Portfolio

You can stake any amount of ETH in MetaMask Portfolio to start earning rewards:
  1. Connect your wallet to MetaMask Portfolio
  2. Navigate to the "Stake" tab and select "MetaMask Pool"
  3. Enter the amount of ETH you wish to stake, check the expected rewards, and confirm your stake
  4. Sign the transaction in your wallet
You’re all set! Your ETH is now staked and you can watch your balance grow.
 Note: MetaMask takes a 15% rewards fee and the presented rewards rate accounts for this fee.
You can unstake in a simple 2-step process to realize your rewards at any time.
  1. Navigate to your holdings in the “Stake” tab
  2. Select unstake by clicking the 3 vertical dots
  3. Enter the amount of ETH you wish to unstake
  4. Confirm and sign the transaction in your wallet
The unstaking request is created and may take a couple of days to process per the Ethereum protocol. Once available:
  1. Check the status in your portfolio
  2. Click on the green “Ready to claim” button
  3. Confirm and sign the transaction
Your ETH is now back in your wallet. Learn more in our detailed guide.

Security first

The Consensys Staking infrastructure that powers MetaMask Pooled Staking has been operational since Ethereum staking began in 2020, boasting a proven track record with over 33,000 active validators and 1 million staked ETH. This service ensures optimized rewards and security. It also meets the highest industry security standard for Software as a Service providers with the ISO27001:22 and SOC2 Type II Certifications.
MetaMask Pool also uses the open modular architecture of StakeWise, a liquid staking protocol on Ethereum, to power the smart contracts. Among other benefits, this ensures you can always unstake your funds through a network of independent oracles, even if Consensys and MetaMask go out of business.

Securing the network at any amount

Staking options in MetaMask Portfolio:
MetaMask Portfolio now offers three options to stake your ETH:
  1. MetaMask Pool: Stake any amount of ETH in the MetaMask-powered staking pool and earn daily rewards
  2. MetaMask Validators: Stake 32 ETH or more in dedicated validators operated by MetaMask and earn daily rewards
  3. Liquid Staking: Stake any amount of ETH with third-party providers like Lido and Rocket Pool and receive a token representing your staked ETH.
By providing diverse staking options, we aim to encourage a more balanced and resilient Ethereum ecosystem.
MetaMask Portfolio allows ETH holders of all sizes to participate in securing the network while earning rewards. Ready to stake? Start here.

This article is written by:

  • Matthieu Saint Olive
    Matthieu Saint Olive

    Matthieu Saint Olive is the Senior Product Manager developing the future of Staking at MetaMask and Consensys. Matthieu is committed to contributing to and protecting the fundamental trust layers of web3, on top of which new decentralized economies and social interactions can flourish. Prior to joining Consensys, Matthieu was a Consultant at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

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  • Megan Dias
    Megan Dias

    Megan is the lead content writer at MetaMask. With a passion for web3 education and crypto culture, she demystifies topics for everyone to embrace the new internet. When she isn't slinging words at the fox den, you can find her enchanted with breathwork, mycology, and optimistic stories. Farcaster: [@megandias](

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