The Swap feature in MetaMask Portfolio gives you access to thousands of tokens, competitive prices, and low network fees.
MetaMask Portfolio houses our flagship swapping mechanism. The Swap feature allows you to swap tokens directly by aggregating data from various decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and market makers to ensure you get competitive prices and low network fees.
Swaps is available across different networks to cater to everyone:
Ethereum Mainnet
BNB Chain
Gathering data from a wide array of DEXs, Swaps grants you access to a large number of cryptocurrencies, including those that may not be available on centralized exchanges. This provides greater flexibility and choice when it comes to your investment decisions.
With MetaMask Portfolio’s friendly user interface, Swaps is undeniably convenient. You never have to leave MetaMask to execute your transaction through our vetted group of providers. Just select “Swap” in the menu to get started and it will only take a few clicks to complete. When everything is conducted in one place, you can manage your assets easily.
Within MetaMask Portfolio, you can easily swap tokens with fewer approvals, slippage protection to guard against wild price swings, and the most gas-efficient route for each trade. Optimized to deliver an ideal experience, Swaps ensures you receive the best bang for your buck, or, the maximum value for your transaction.
Swaps puts you in control. By gathering data from decentralized exchange aggregators, market makers, and DEXs, you can swap one cryptocurrency token for another without needing a centralized exchange. Since MetaMask is a self-custodial wallet that grants you full ownership over your private key, you control your assets.
To swap tokens:
Connect your MetaMask wallet to portfolio.metamask.io
Click “Swap” to get started
Select the network you want to swap from in the dropdown menu (example: Ethereum)
Select the token you want to swap out (example: ETH)
Select the token you want to swap to (example: DAI)
Enter the amount of the token you want swapped
Select “Get Quotes”
Review swap information and select “Swap” to confirm transaction
Success! 🦊
The Swap feature is a staple in decentralized finance, and web3 at large, providing an easy feature to plug into thousands of tokens. Choosing to swap directly in MetaMask is super convenient, drastically reduces the number of steps needed otherwise, and limits your exposure to third-party smart contracts.
Happy swapping! Learn more at metamask.io/portfolio/
MetaMask Portfolio: track and manage your web3 everything
MetaMask Portfolio provides a comprehensive and user-friendly platform to accommodate your web3 needs and put you in control. Through Dashboard, Buy, Swap, Bridge, and Stake, you’re covered. We’re constantly working on improving and evolving the dapp through meaningful updates. Click here to learn more about MetaMask Portfolio and its features.